Matching the right soybean variety to your conditions is the key to maximizing yields.
- Iron Deficiency. High pH soils (7.2 or more) have a tendency for IDC, so choose a variety that has higher IDC tolerance. Soils that have soluble salt levels of more than 0.8 mmhos/cm and calcium carbonate levels of 5% or greater will very likely foster IDC.
- Plant Structure. If you plant in 15” rows or drill your beans choose a semi-bush variety. When planting in 30” rows choose a bush variety so plants will spread out and canopy to preserve moisture and help control weeds.
- Maturity. Early maturing varieties will be ready to harvest sooner, but you’re probably sacrificing yield. Plant the longest maturity for your area to achieve the highest yield potential. Three different maturities give you the best potential for high yields on your farm.
- Traits. Dahlman has a good selection of Roundup Ready® soybeans in several maturities. The new Genuity® beans have shown higher yields in test plots, and 2010 yields are showing excellent results on full fields. Yields on Liberty beans are very competitive to RR beans.