AFX 455-HVX is an alfalfa with the HarvXtra® trait and Roundup Ready® technology used to produce the highest quality alfalfa forage in the industry
Strong disease resistance package and is very winterhardy
High yield potential in multiple growing environments
Early season weed control with glyphosate herbicides helps improve establishment success and first year yield potential compared to conventional varieties
Choice of delaying cutting by 7-10 days or cutting for highest RFQ
AFX 463-RR is an alfalfa with the Roundup Ready® technology for use in multiple growing regions including areas prone to stem nematode pressure
33 of 35 disease resistance package and is very winterhardy
Very good standability and high yield potential in multiple growing environments
Early season weed control with glyphosate herbicides helps improve establishment success and first year yield potential compared to conventional varieties
A high yield potential, variety with Hi-Gest® Alfalfa Technology with improved fiber digestibility, intake and extent of digestion versus other conventional alfalfas
A product of traditional plant breeding with a variety patent pending
A variety that has been meeting grower and livestock producers expectations since the 2015 growing season
Adapted to today’s best alfalfa management practices
Adapted to aggressive high quality or more relaxed high tonnage management systems
Rations using Hi-Gest can be easily balanced by nutritionists with the results of an accurate feed test
Plants are medium-tall, with a higher stem count, axillarial branching, and a dense canopy of leaves** up and down each stem
A high leaf-to-stem ratio and more crude protein than other conventionally bred, high quality, dormant alfalfa varieties at harvest maturity